Hey Xtreme Clippers!! It is time for Walgreens Couponing 101! In this video I teach you how to coupon at Walgreens like a pro! I break down the different ways to save and coupon at [More]
This video request video shows you all how I prep and get ready on Sundays prior to going couponing in store! Want to see or learn more? Leave me a comment or video request below [More]
I checked my PO BOX and was so happy to find mail from Angie and Patty!!! Check out what they sent me!!! Thank you so much ladies!!!!! PO BOX 91863, Long Beach CA 90809 :::Check [More]
Coupon Mail time Xtreme Clippers!!!! Thank you so much to everyone who sent mail to my PO BOX!!! You are amazing!!! I truly appreciate the time, thought and consideration to all those who sent me [More]