Welcome to Fitzone Television! In this segment, learn all about Edible Arrangements and how to make an huge impression for holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, etc with one of their wowable arrangements; the Fitzone Kitchen is cooking [More]
video on a centerpiece that you can actually eat.
Our Business Spotlight this week focuses on Edible Arrangements. Owner Judy Dominguez tells the story of how she learned about a unique business opportunity on an airline flight and turned it into a career. She [More]
COUPON CODES!   •      This channel is not affiliated with any of the businesses, merchants and companies seen or mentioned in this video. Neither does it receive awards, incentives or sponsorship from them. •      This [More]
Tyler Mathisen sat down with Edible Arrangements founder and CEO Tariq Farid to hear how he turned a small flower business into a $600 million international sensation.
An ideal gift! The Rhode Show is WPRI 12’s daily lifestyle show for having fun, eating well, and living life.
Hello Yummies! Today I eat an Edible Arrangement. It is a ‘fresh’ floral bouquet of fruit! My arrangement included chocolate covered strawberries, green apples, pineapple, and bananas. There were also grapes, honeydew melon and cantaloupe. [More]
How to create fruit bouquets. Edible arrangements process. Creating a bouquet of fresh fruits – fruit bouquets and compositions. I tell you and show you the process of creating a fruit composition on an industrial [More]