The Frugal Find Online Coupon Class: Organized Your Coupons

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Have you tried The Frugal Find Coupon Database? I’d like to explain how it works and how/why I use it. Thankfully it’s fairly simple and has saved me TONS of time. First of all there are 2 ways to access the Coupon Database.

One way is by clicking on the text link above The Frugal Find header image titled “Coupon Database”.

The other is by clicking the logo (pictured above) now permanently located in the right sidebar.

There are a couple of reasons why you’d need to use the database at any given time.

One instance would be if you find a sale on something and you haven’t a clue if a coupon exists — enter Coupon Database.

The other scenario is if you organize your coupon inserts the way I do then it helps you easily locate which insert/week the coupon is in.

By using the method of organizing that I just showed you in the video, your coupon inserts will be dated and easy to find. It’s literally as simple as it looks. I don’t know which coupons are in which inserts and I don’t care to. I don’t need to. I simply type in a key word in the Coupon Database and it tells me exactly where to find a coupon.

In this example I searched for OLAY and I found the following coupon…

$3/1 Olay Regenerist or Pro-X Moisturizer, exp. 1-31 (RP 12/12/10)

Now this tells me that there is a $3/1 coupon in the RP (Red Plum) insert on the week of 12/12. It also tells me that it is going to expire on 1/31. It’s as simple as that, now I go to my Coupon Insert filebox, flip to De. 12th’s inserts, grab, clip, and shop! Also if there happens to be a printable coupon for that item, you’ll be able to click and print!


Abi Gail says:

hi luvvvvv coupons….great tips…hey i have a mascara + free coupons giveaway on my channel…and also i have uploaded more freebies/free samples and couponing haul videos and also posted links to get those on my every video…check this out…u ll like…luv coupons and freebies…thanks by ur friend myabigail100…

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