Walgreens has lots of great digital coupons this week 10-7 thru 10-13

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Instagram: dawnsdeals


Erica Garcia says:

Hey just wanted to let you guys know that my Walgreens card just got hacked they used up all my points so keep an eye out ok n your accounts

Viola Alley says:

I gotta use some points…lol

Sharon Smith says:

I think the remmel is marked 40% off. Mine rang up for 5.09.

Felicia Dependable Angel Services says:

great deal

maritza cortes says:

Thank you for your brakedowns 😉

Kiki C says:

The Oreo milka are .89 cent, and after you pay a register reward prints of .89 cent, then ckout 51 has a .25 cent rebate making this, just pay tax and .25 mm

Spending & Saving At The Same Time! Wink Keetha says:

You can print Rimmel coupons from SmartSource.com!! Wink

Heidi Talley says:

Great haul @ Walgreens 💯

Kristin Pickett says:

Ibotta has a $2 rebate back on the Listerine nightly reset

Kendra HagerO says:

I thought 18,000 points was equal to $20?? I always enjoy and look forward to watching your videos.

Alecia B says:

Btw, I love your breakdowns.

Alecia B says:

I know I’m so disgusted with Walgreens. Our digitals never work and now the whole points changes. It was nice while it lasted, but CVS is gonna get my money ( alternative money ). I’ve started transitioning over to them more and more, as well as Rite aid

Lynn Davis says:

Great haul. Have fun in Vegas

B B says:

The second transaction didn't give you points booster because you had 19 in coupons and paid 1.77 (subtotal minus the points used counts to qualifying) so your qualifying purchase was 20.77 and you needed to hit 25. I think wags is going to have a surge of customers burning points the next few weeks. It's crazy. Tyfs!

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