Warframe – This Is Why You Do Not Buy 50-75% Off Coupons In Trading!

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*The Other Player In This Video is not a paid actor* I decided to sacrifice a little bit of my own plat just to show all warframe players the potential scam you expose yourself to when “buying” 50-75% off coupons from trade chat. I knew I’d be most likely scammed and I wouldn’t get the item in question, this video was to only prove a point to those who are new to this sort of thing. Anyway this is my first warframe themed video and I plan on making many more vids and firing up live streams very soon so make sure to subscribe to the channel!


Tenno Tensei says:

Sad but true 🙁

Daniel Flores says:

Probably what people think when im trying to sell my coupons to buy warframe slots

Nidus says:

This happened to me twice now Im broke 😀 the best thing to do in my opinion is to tell them to give something worth around 56p and than trade so if they ignore u u still have their item If they say they don’t have an item than u will know they are a scammer or they r prob broke xD

GTokyo says:

Can we play sometimes and my ign is Trillest_Modc

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