Which Asda receipts are the best for APG coupons? (Ep23)

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I’m often asked which are the best Asda receipts to Womble, what are ‘comparables’, why doesn’t my receipt qualify etc.
So here’s a short video covering a little bit more about that – and what to look for.

To see the full introduction to WOMBLING COUPONS please watch this video http://youtu.be/Rwt6KrM1ERQ?list=PLoeHlL9mR_GVVyDaTzoXUWmvRRfvzEIMl

See my Facebook group and learn how to Womble.

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squirms shed says:

need a daft shopping account now

MrSausage72 says:

I would like a free wall chart….thank you Stephen

Irene Fowler says:

I don't know how to save it any help?

Monty. says:

great. did not know you could do this.

Derek Naylor Metal Detecting UK says:

£6.70 odd for one thats brilliant mate 🙂

magpie307 says:

Nice one Stephen, shame there is no Asda here but will certainly give Tesco a go. All the best Tony

Silent Hi says:

Nice video!

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