Win Free Buffet's from Golden Corral in Winchester VA

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Golden Corral of Winchester VA is giving away a FREE buffet every week for a year only on

It’s FREE to register and FREE to get a ticket.…
…your winning ticket!


Buffetgangster says:

get out the way!!

Linda from SEA AT TULL says:

Your manager is a moron too! My manager had the nerve today to gossip with this bimbo I work with about a girl that had an interview. They were putting her down, making fun of her. So horrible. The one I am at the food sets out all day, they just stir it to make it "look" fresh.

Robert Pirlot says:

God, I work for them Green Bay has the worst food and the manager is a moron who does't care about the quality of the food just how much can he put out. DON'T GO THERE PLEASE.

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