Dumpster Dive Along: Coupons Save Money BEST When They’re FREE!

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We emptied the van at home and got back out to the bins!! Not only a few more fabulous public school dumpster finds, but LOTS of great, FREE coupon inserts!!!

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Want to share something (like magnets, key chains, spoons, or postcards) with the Frugal Family and Friends?? Send to:
Frugal Family
P.O. Box 50492
Provo, UT 84605
Olivia’s YouTube Channel– Lulu Loves Life





Want to live with less stress, while spending less money? Want to travel with kids and not spend a fortune? Want to upcycle and salvage, and maybe save the world?? You’ll find a bit of all of that HERE, on our happy little channel. WELCOME!


Nola Brown says:

What happens if you get caught?


HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEEK TO OLIVIA 🎂 I week to the recycle bins yesterday to collect some coupon inserts. Back in the Coupon Game myself. Especially with school around the corner. TFS

Rita Padilla says:

Good find of the day

T Wood says:

How come you hit up the schools and not the stores

T Wood says:

It take 200 years for clothes to disingrate in a landfill. Just fyi

zella kehoe says:

I wouldn't touch it. In our state its against the law to take anything in or near donation dumpsters. Why take a chance. Best to leave it be. Stick to the other stuff, you do good enough you don't need the heartache.

Carol Thomas says:

I would take what's on the outside, leave what's on the inside there.

Bridget Earl says:

happy birthday Lola and your hubby too.

Bridget Earl says:

clothing bins if it say no dumping it's a yes

Tammy Blue says:

Happy birthday sweet Olivia,you are a very sweet,and helpful young lady,and julie,yes I would go through the clothes,from that stuff outside,of that box,tfs,great dive too,peace an love!!

Melissa Kerns says:

The fun beings both of my kids are into the teen stuff my son is girl crazy my daughter loves boys lol

Melissa Kerns says:

Haha wait until she turns 16 both of my kids are teens my son will be 17 next april my daughter will be 14 in september

Jamie Tourand says:

If it's a donation bin and if it's on the outside or they will not take I think it's fair game

Believe 2113 says:

I think it fine to go through the stuff outside of the drop off boxes. People dump all kinds of stuff there. There is one by my house people pick through then clean up all that is left. I take my donations to that box. It helps the community where hopeless people need items.

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