Extreme Couponing – Season 2, Episode 5 – Michelle & Tyler

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247 Whoopie says:

Can I give you a hug??

shakisha mckinney says:

some coupons like the ones i get have longer expiration dates on them and my store doesnt have a limit on howmany of the same coupons you can use in a single transaction im in mi so i guess im lucky i just saved over 124 dollars in one shopping trip buying organic foods no junk foods at all i never buy sugary stuff or candy if i dnt eat sugary food i buy meats frozen veggies and stapples etc with coupons at my store i can use 1000 couponsor more if i wanted to atglory

Annie Wong says:

Wtf Michell said she drove all the way there to get the flyer to price match at another grocery store when she couldve just got the sale at the first one without wasting more Gas -_-

Lavinia Mocionea says:

oki Bună seara

Lil Sedated says:

Michelle likes only 2 things…
suck a big dick and suck a big dick…that's what i heard.
And who the fuck does so much math while shopping…
Only if she studied this hard in collage instead of sucking dicks and marrying a fat faggot

Drew Lyons says:

did any on catch the 17 38 part?

Adam Kelly says:

where does she get all these coupons

David B says:

At 9:55 – the tax is done automatically by the system – if its wrong for her, what about all the hundreds of other people which have been ripped off at that store by having the tax charged wrongly? I bet when it was actually paid over to the IRS it was correct…

Osc Jef says:

Good high quality video. Thanks!

Peace it says:

Um okay when I go to a store I only bring two coupons they have an obsession

opi taylor baby #2 says:

i was nerved up for her…..that was great

shakisha mckinney says:

i gues im lucky in ga cuz at some storesthey dont have many limits on how many coupons you can use unless it says one coupon per transaction but even then down here theyll let you do multiple transactions to use more coupons ga is coupon friendly i save over 1000 every six month but buy a lil over time i dnt clear the shelves i leave stuff for other ppl to get too

Lala cfc says:

greedy bastards need help that's no normal that's fuked up

Eda Nur says:

extreme stockhoarders

ilovesparky13 says:

With all of that wonderful fresh food in her backyard, why the hell is that lady going to the store to pick up overly processed, artificially flavored/dyed crap??

Agusława G says:

Cam somebody explain to me how the coupon doubles?

MewTasticCandy says:

Am I the only one who watches these videos as white noise when I'm trying to fall asleep? 😂

Seb Playz says:

I spent 5.26 I only have 5 dollars left wrong you have 4.84 left do the math next time.

johnroi cabugao says:

i wish we have like that in our country so i can save allot of money for my school

Drew Conway says:

Tyler has a LOT of alcohol in his kitchen. Damn, son, slow down!

B is for Bella says:

LOL mommy issues much?

S Atkinson says:

I was so excited about couponing when this show first premiered. I quickly realized how hard it would be to get the big savings like the ones on tv.

mukkaar says:

Protein bars healthy? o.O

Gregory Lisella says:

fuck I'm over budget I onley saved 96%

Swirl Pop says:

I'm sleepy lolololol

Sandro Dream says:

if you come in italy and try this, after 15/20 minutes other people waiting to pay will kick your fat american ass and send you to the moon hahahahah

Manvi Chandra says:

What about expiry date !!! they cant finish all of these products before expiry date !!!

Matches says:

That cashier at the end wasnt having any of that shit

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