How To Grocery Shop & Stockpiling 2 Wk18

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In this video I am replenishing my stockpile. We will be grocery shopping at a commissary. The nice thing about shopping at a commissary is that they offer all kinds of coupons! However, that being said, don’t forget to print online coupons and manufacturer coupons so that you can save more money. I ended up saving a lot of money on healthier grocery items to. I ended up saving a total of $97, and spent $73! A really good tip when you are extreme couponing is to get a bunch of the same coupons for the same product so that you can stack the coupons. This is the perfect way to build your stockpile because you can get tons of the same product, but at discount using the coupons.


Tittlesnhizmouf says:

Like actually trading in the coupons at the register-like u said u had six coupons for the mission tortillas I don't understand how you can use six coupons for items…idk

Tittlesnhizmouf says:

Would have been nice if you showed us how to actually use them when ur at the register

ronni castro says:

You were to excited you save money!! That's why you spilled your coffee.

Janice Harris says:

How can I send my expired coupons to the troops

Iluv2watchutube1981 says:

commissaries r they open to the general public? how can u find one open to the general public?

Diane Porterfield says:

Hi my is diane n i really wann to learne how to use coupon i use them anyway but i just want to learn how to get thing for free its just one income n i really need help so im ask you for your hwlp with use this coupon

Sara Cash says:

I know I'm late with this video what and where is the commissary

orbits2 says:

95 % junk food and stuff
My grand parents are turning over in thier graves

oobertuberdude says:

Ibotta is the best app ever…u can actually earn money on it!!!
1.They pay you everytime you or your parents buy one of your favorite products
2.You actually get paid $10 just for trying the app since its pretty new
3.To sign up just go to your android or iphone’s web browser and in the url section and type bit. ly/earnsome (without any spaces)
4.Now go to appstore or google play, download Ibotta and sign into the account u just created
5.Watch my vid for an overview of the app


Your video really made me laugh. I just started to learn about couponing and how to stretch your dollar. It's great that you did a video at the Commissary! Thanks for posting this!

Andrea Richards says:

Wise what……what was that website?

Glamplified Beauty says:

so when at the checkout do u let them scan all the products then give them the coupons?

santaselves94 says:

@CaseyMcLaughalot I'm pretty sure this isn't walmart buddy

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