How to save money at the grocery store: Coupon expert shares best tips

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From gas to groceries, we are all feeling the effects of inflation.

With the price of just about everything going up, it’s wise to save where you can. When it comes to grocery shopping, to stay on your budget, it’s not just a list of items you’re going to need.

“One of the things you must do is have a plan, you have to know what you’re going to buy, when you’re going to buy it and how you’re going to going to prepare those meals,” says budget guru, Rachel Krych. “One of the things that people make a mistake about is that they don’t know what they’re going to make for dinner, and often go out and buy fast food, which can really be a budget buster.”

Krych is a savings expert in Northeast Ohio behind “Couponing With Rachel.” With more than a million website views and impressions, she knows a thing or two about making your dollar stretch further!

Krych says the best thing for busy families to do is make that plan and execute with grocery pick-up.

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