How to serve up random unique coupon codes to your ManyChat Subscribers

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How to serve up random unique coupon codes to your ManyChat Subscribers. Control every thing from within ManyChat and Google Sheets Integration. Watch …


Ant Brad says:

Hi great tutorial…. if I want to use a prefix before each code, how would I do that?… for instance the initials of my site LD and then code… example: LD5008 LD9880 etc eyc

Brooke Gray says:

Thank you for this! I am actually using it to assigned random numbers for giveaways during live shows. I have a question though. Is there any easy way to reuse this without having to create new custom fields and editing the flow? I tried clearing out the sheet and setting the bot field back to 0, but my customers all got the same numbers as the last show.

Chintan Patel says:

Thank you Sir

vikas malik says:

Great Video. Are you from Wisconsin? You said one of the video badger is going to kick some butt? Now, can we generate coupons from amazon seller central and then add that to a google sheet and use Randomizer followed by actions that you are using here?

Blaine Hadlock says:

That was well thought though Jeff. The process has a ton of uses in promotion and tracking of subscriber activity for follow-up and engagement with one's own brand. Your explanations and detail make it easy to duplicate and implement for our own purposes. Thank you for all your hard work and creative coding of business solutions using ManyChat and Google Sheets.

Andie McCallum says:

Awesome video! Thanks for uploading 😀

CubMediaVox says:

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