How to Spot a Photocopied Coupon!

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What Are The Differences Between a Print Coupon & a Photocopied Coupon?
This video will walk you through the differences so you can explain to your cashiers what to look for & how to tell a bad coupon!
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So, you want to start couponing in Canada?
You want to learn how to build your stockpile with little to no cash out of pocket?
You want to KEEP your hard earned cash?
You will need to know where and how to start.
This video will show you how to start your stock pile, one deal at a time, with little to no money out of your pocket & get some AMAZING FREEBIES!
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Sharon Francis says:

Good to know about the photocopied coupons because I get my partner to help me "clip" my printed coupons & sometimes he'll accidentally cut-off the edges, I'll definitely be showing him this video to explain why it is important to not do that..I had no idea that the "PIN" code was in that area. How long ago was the "Orville Redenbacher" printable coupon(s) available? I don't how I missed that one! LoL

Taralynne Marshall says:

Great info thanks:D just wondering if you had any hiccups at all using those popcorn coupons?? What a huge coupon lol

Bev Stiltner says:

Thank you for the valuable info!

Couponing Toronto Mom says:

I've traded printed coupons before. But how would I know if that person didn't photocopy the original and give me the photocopy? (aside from the faded dollar signs at the back)

CeCe and Solomon says:

trading coupons is also illegal…… it says clearly in the terms and conditions that they are non transferable

SapphireAngel says:

wow, thanks for explaining that reason to highlight so you don't get in trouble if someone else decides to photocopy!

kezgram says:

Thank-you yes i did learn some info 🙂

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