#MeleasMinute: Quick Tip to Save More at the Grocery Store! | Peelie Coupons
Today's 60 second video is about how to save more at the grocery store-- with no hassle! You might see peelie coupons or sticker coupons and not know what they are or not know how to use them. So this quick tip will help you save more money! Keep your eyes peeled. You never know when you might see them!
BTW: If you missed it....over on my Instagram Account, I've been sharing these Melea's Minute Tips that are only 60 Seconds. And after they've gone live there, I'll share them here for you as well!
👭MOMMY SANITY TIP: Have your kids be the ones who look for peelie coupons or sticker coupons on products while you are shopping! It can keep them entertained, keep them from fighting and give you a little sanity while you are grocery shopping!😉
🎥Walmart Grocery Pickup: Order Online and They'll Bring Out Your Groceries to Your Car! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BO3t4kr3hEQ
🎥Target Beauty Box vs Walmart Beauty Box --Which One Is Better? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXtk9NqF0GI
🎥My Children's Secret Weapon Against Getting Lost, Kidnapped or Just to Contact Me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlRNFOS4-Lk
💰Want to "Live the Ultimate Life for Less"?? Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel by clicking here ➞ ➞ http://TheMeleaShow.com/YouTube That way, YouTube will let you know when my next video goes up live! (Don't worry, it's free!)
For more deals & money-saving tips and tricks, follow me over on Instagram! I share 60-Second Tips called "#MeleasMinute", quick money-saving tips and even awesome exclusive deals just for us! It's the easy to follow along and save money!
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💙Periscope ➜ for LIVE Videos: @TheMeleaShow
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🌟Tune-In Every Tuesday and Friday at 10am MST (9am PST, 11am CST, 12pm EST) to watch a new video!
XO, 💕Melea
Today’s 60 second video is about how to save more at the grocery store– with no hassle! You might see peelie coupons or sticker coupons and not know what they are or not know how to use them. So this quick tip will help you save more money! Keep your eyes peeled. You never know when you might see them!
BTW: If you missed it….over on my Instagram Account, I’ve been sharing these Melea’s Minute Tips that are only 60 Seconds. And after they’ve gone live there, I’ll share them here for you as well!
👭MOMMY SANITY TIP: Have your kids be the ones who look for peelie coupons or sticker coupons on products while you are shopping! It can keep them entertained, keep them from fighting and give you a little sanity while you are grocery shopping!😉
🎥Walmart Grocery Pickup: Order Online and They’ll Bring Out Your Groceries to Your Car! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BO3t4kr3hEQ
🎥Target Beauty Box vs Walmart Beauty Box –Which One Is Better? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXtk9NqF0GI
🎥My Children’s Secret Weapon Against Getting Lost, Kidnapped or Just to Contact Me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlRNFOS4-Lk
💰Want to “Live the Ultimate Life for Less”?? Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel by clicking here ➞ ➞ http://TheMeleaShow.com/YouTube That way, YouTube will let you know when my next video goes up live! (Don’t worry, it’s free!)
For more deals & money-saving tips and tricks, follow me over on Instagram! I share 60-Second Tips called “#MeleasMinute”, quick money-saving tips and even awesome exclusive deals just for us! It’s the easy to follow along and save money!
💙Instagram ➜ http://www.Instagram.com/TheMeleaShow
👻Snapchat ➜ MeleaShow
💙Periscope ➜ for LIVE Videos: @TheMeleaShow
💙Facebook ➜ http://www.Facebook.com/TheMeleaShow
💙Twitter ➜ http://www.Twitter.com/TheMeleaShow
🌟Tune-In Every Tuesday and Friday at 10am MST (9am PST, 11am CST, 12pm EST) to watch a new video!
XO, 💕Melea
Great tip! I never pay attention to those until I bring the box home and it is too late 🙈$
Taking the instant save coupons off the product to use it is the hardest part to remember but it is a great tip! I will have to do this more often. Thank you! ($ for the giveaway)
I'm gonna do that peeling of coupon thing I see them from time to time but I never use them n
I've been known to forget to take the coupons off. I need to bring some type of coupon holder with me. I leave them on so I don't lose them, then find them still stuck on the box after I'm home. lol
I got some gummi fruit snacks for $1.10 by matching a peelie with it's clearance price.