My Survival Food Pantry

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Check out my apartment-sized prepper food pantry!


Bernard Buonocore says:

Do you keep those propane tank's inside your apartment? Or, is that a garage? The CO2 Carbon Monoxide can kill you if you don't have ventilation if it leaks out. I will be keeping mine (when I buy it) on my balcony (soon). Propane tank's can leak.

Emilio Boggio says:

I want to see that ammo man, regards from Argentina

Serving Him says:

It doesn't go on and on, but it is a great start, nice variety . Great job. Thank you for sharing.

Bless This Mess says:

Nice preps!

Michael Dixon says:

I have boxes filled bins filled with can foods because push co.e to shove you can drink the water from cans and have a portable grill with aluminim foil that keep things from burning upon the heat. I like propel waters and keep several pedilytes on hand and good can openers handy.

Heather Combs says:

Either you have a very good paying job, or you get food stamps. Which no hate in food stamps because I get food stamps. Very cool video, you are definitely prepared!

Rita Evans says:

Matches kept in a tin maybe a grill where you can grill anything in your freezer

Rita Evans says:

Paper plates bowls forks spoons good nonstick pan and skillet extra sugar spices and drink mixes. Don't forget small heavy trash bags and more toilet paper wet wipes and wet ones. Water water water

H. S. says:

It’s now 2019. Do you still have a survival pantry?

Elizabeth Duncan says:

I know if you are a single guy don't forget your bandages even buying pads for women or tampons or a panty liner for women could also act as a bandage keeping blood-soaked up that is what they are made for

Elizabeth Duncan says:

You need more hygiene products toilet paper paper towels you also need over the counter medications like your Tylenol Advil any pain reliever allergy medications anything you can find cheap how you can stock up your pantry even more using coupons

Elizabeth Duncan says:

You can also put stuff underneath your bed

Lynn Proctor says:

For those who don't have a closet or pantry, a garage or other space for storage, it helps to find different smaller spaces where things can be stored, such as under the bathroom sink, under the kitchen sink, in an unused drawer or two in the kitchen, or a cupboard space. Also, under the bed in an under-the-bed storage bin designed for it, or even the attic if it's easily accessed. If you can, you can also store things outside the home against the house in a storage cabinet, or even in the ground in a sealed storage bin. Easily mounted wire or wood racks can go high in the closet, or anywhere in the house that is convenient. If you can locate 4 or 5 small areas, you can stock tons of food.

Scott Cromwell says:

Batteries, flashlight, solar charger, first aid, gun Cleaning stuff, blankets, a stash of cash. Lots more water. Water filter, more propane. You have a good start there.

SensaiMan says:

Good advice, I think that you could add tin milk or long life cartoons would be a benefit. You're well stocked up.

kit kat says:

I think you did terrific im trying to see how to do this in an apt too.good variety.ty

acajudi100 says:

Great haul. Ammo near propane containers? Have First Aid Kit, medicines, bleach, and vinegar.

Penntucky Survival says:

What grocery stores do you use

Sissyboi Slut says:

People wont survive in the towns and cities.

Elizabeth Anders says:

Don't forget kitty litter for the toilet. Once the plumbing goes out the toilet will not be able to flush. Just line your toilet with a large black hefty garbage bag; then pour kitty litter inside of it to absorb the waste.

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