New Way to Store and Carry Coupons! :) I’ve ditched my binder! Whoohoo!!!!!

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Hello all,

Here is an idea on how to store and carry your coupons for convenience and ease of use at point of use! Yes, that’s right, here is an easy and economical way to have all your coupons with you while shopping 🙂 The big bag was purchased at a garage sale for $1 and the small accordian file folders all came from the Dollar Tree for $1 each and the labels were included inside the file folders. My binder was becoming heavy and cumbersome to transport. Not to mention I looked like “the crazy coupon loony” carrying it with me”. I felt awkward bringing it into the stores and rummaging through it to find the coupon I knew I had somewhere. Plus not to mention the passersby saying things like “Hey are you one of those extreme couponers?” Geez Louise 😉 Now finally I have some relief with this much easier carrying system. It is so much lighter than my binder too! The coupons are easy to find and I only need to pull out a tiny folder each time 🙂 Getting color coded file folders helps too 🙂 The healthy prepper is doing the happy coupon dance of joy today! If you have any coupon carrying or transport ideas please share them! I always looking for new and better ways to improve the system 🙂 I would love to hear your thoughts 🙂

To your health, longevity and peace of mind,
The Healthy Prepper 🙂

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Mel Pena says:

I'm sorry I couldn't enjoy your video. The bird noise was annoyingly distracting.

Lauren Jackson says:

I like this

jmccormick0928 says:

I love this idea!

petmom ful says:

You have an African Grey parrot, don't you?

nancy simpson says:

Like the idea I'm going to do this, mine are a mess. .. but the bird in back ground is so loud. I had to turn sounds of.

petmom ful says:

Hearing your parrot makes me miss my parrot.  I gave him to a friend, because I am disabled and he was too hard to care for.  I miss him and his sweet talking, tho.

Ariel Oliver says:

you should look up jenns coupon boxes!! 

SuperGirl1970 Carver says:

I did that in the 1990s and that's what caused me to stop couponing, couldn't find any of my coupon.

Lysette Carrillo says:

I love this idea being a teenager trying to help my mother manage her money . I was wondering where did you buy these little folders.

39157Mary says:

DITTO! I have to stop 2 min. in!

HealthyPrepper says:

Sorry about that, he did get a bit carried away. It was my parrot. We have had a little one on one chat about his vocals whilst I am taping 😉 He swears to improve 😉

Novocane says:


HealthyPrepper says:

Thank you Sharon 🙂 One tip I might add is make your carry bag a very lightweight bag – it makes things so much easier 🙂 I am still using this system today and the same bag 🙂

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