Pocket Mortys Theory – THE FASTEST WAY TO LEVEL UP IN MULTIPLAYER?! Testing A Theory!

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What is the fastest way to level up in multiplayer? Thanks for watching!

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rick C-137 says:

Kobesmind that is me

Dhieen says:


pocketmortys gamming says:

Can you send me a friend request my user name is roborick_1. 🙂

TheOnly Payroll says:

How do I get turbulent juice morty

CrayZigg says:

when does the "fastest way to level up mortys" lart start, i need to know, i was not prepared for a let's play with this kind of title

Furtivedessert_ 5 says:

How do u get me meseeks box in multiplayer?

The Eldritch Pear says:

Yay my starter shadow morty is finally viable

RickSanchezplays&More says:

I'm so mad I have a lol 28 Hammer Morty and he won't obey my attacks I'm lvl 11…

BruhmanFPS says:

My crobigberg morty is level 26 and my other ones are level 15 or lower

Not Me77337 says:

I just got this game and watched this vid and its safe to say you earned a new sub at subway lol jk but yeah im subbing up

Cheap WATER says:

Who else feels bad for him

louis mcglade says:

how do you get the one true Morty in multiplayer

TMF3 YT says:

Your like the pocket mortys ichase

Banana Jøe says:

how do you hatch the one true Morty egg in multiplayer?

Hamza Shahzad says:

love you bro ❤

titus Taylor-Gall says:

what the best way in the lv 1 to 9 world for getting exp fast online

Braiden Depew says:

hey kodes, nice vid, I think u could have gotten more xp if there was only one Morty in your party

Bon says:

Hey kobes it gives you a lot of XP killing the one true morty, so if you want to help me level up my One True Morty I can help you level up yours also.

shnitzel link says:

you look like Cole sprouse

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