Store Bought Canned Food for Prepper SHTF Stockpile – Pros and Cons! :)

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What do you think? Does store bought canned food earn a place in your survival stockpile? Does it make sense? Or is it just a waste of time and money?
Here is my list of pros and cons. Please feel free to let us know if you include it in your emergency supplies or you choose to go without and have other alternatives?

Related Video: Expiration Dates on Food Storage for Preppers 🙂 Is it Still Safe to Eat?

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BlizzardPeak says:

Everyone, water is super Important, so get a water filter or pump. I’m a camper and backpacker, so I’ve used them and they help a lot. Also, fire is important if your gonna be outside. So fire-starters and waterproof matches a big deal. Basic medical supplies, warm cloths,. So pretty much all everyday items we take for granted will be like gold in a societal collapse type world.

But the end times will happen someday , so yeah ……

Most importantly know Jesus, John 3:16 the Lord died for our sins on the cross, because God loves each of us very much. He loves you and. Died for you. And if you believe and accept the lord as your savior you will inherit eternal life. GOD BLESS and be prepared

BlizzardPeak says:

I got some canned fruits and canned baked beans.

RJTrezise1983 says:

Maybe eat that dog if it doesn't shut up.

OldSchool Jeremy says:

Cans are great for bugging in or for placement in caches. Not so much for carrying when bugging out.

NDS says:

My biggest con for canned food (which is purely psychological), is that I eat it. If the fridge runs a little low and I have to go to the grocery store for my next meal, , , DING !, , , Wait !, , , I've got plenty of food ! ! ! I can make a DAK Ham baked with pineapples and a green bean casserole in no time ! "just this once", "no one will know" 😈
But, a bona fide bucket of sealed 'survival food' is different. I am not enticed to eat, especially knowing that I would have to break the seal on the bucket to gain access to it's contents. Its just enough of a mental barricade to stop me.
Canned products are fine, I try to keep a fair amount stocked, but is not the bulk of my food reserves.

Smiddy Wesson says:

Buy your preps in jars instead of cans when a choice is available, there's less chance the container will fail, and you can see at a glance if the food has discolored by comparing similar jars. You can also repurpose the jars by filling them with gas and oil, lighting up the summer landscape with flameing zombies flitting about like colorful fireflies. The Apocalypse can be beautiful if you make the effort.

semaj epits says:

It makes a turd then I'm for it

King Tin says:

Canned meat sky rocket

Janis Hackler says:

5 gallon bucket with hand warmers

Eduardo Lopez says:

I'm prihistoric

Sista Prepper says:

Thanks for this video. Good to see people helping us out with good food options if SHTF.

negima50001 says:

A lot of people going to be looking stupid when they run out of water and all they have is dry food that needs water in order for it to be cooked. What are they going to do? Eat it dry?

Peter Northrup says:

This week they had Progresso soup on sale. $1.00 a can. All kinds. 3 year shelf life left. I like soup. Bought 140 cans and left. 2 trips. You cant eat any cheaper. Once and awhile i see chef boy are dee cans for 2 for a dollar. I buy a hundred. No joke. 3 years left on the can. Every month i turn all my stuff upside down. Ive got a ton of mountain house foods. But 2 a month at Wal-Mart. One other thing. What do you think happens to all those fancy candles grandma collected her whole life and never used? They end up at goodwill. For peanuts ive got hundreds stored away. Go look. I have 4- 55 gal blue plastic drums in my garage. They are cheap. When its time slide them under you down spouts. Use that water to bathe and wash clothes. Prepping can be cheap and fun. I just love my 4 panel solar kit from harbor freight. Charge during most days.lights at night. They work.

Sue Moshier says:

I gave some of variety of goods so I could afird them. Cans are a part of my storage.

Walter says:

god i am sick o f youtube videos that are only audio, not video. Stop the crap.

Matteus733 says:

Thanks for the vid subscribed 👍

Christian Hackler says:

DON'T have real out of date😐🙄

I Know A Guy Delivery Service says:

Rice and beans

Break Out From the Prison Planet says:

Canned foods are another addition to my food. I've been stockpiling Loma Linda products.

dabprod says:

I was in Korea in 1963 at the age of 19 and we ate a lot of left over WW11 "C" Rations that were older than I was. NEVER found any of it that had gone bad, even the 20yr old cigarettes that came with it. I would just suggest not eating any old canned food that is dented or any rust on the can.

BonzoDog67 Lizardking says:

Canned food is mostly for convenience. The cons are obvious, but if you know anything about cooking with it you can compensate for the shortcomings of the processing…assuming you purchased a decent brand in the first place.

Tim Guay says:

The fact that you don't need to cook it makes fro good op sec

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