What Would the QponFairy Do?! -PDF/Emailed Coupons

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If ever not sure, always can contact the manufacturer to check and see how many you can/should print! 🙂

And again, this is just how I PERSONALLY print and use these types of coupons now 🙂

Thanks for watching!


Last Weeks WWTQD Video!


QponFairy says:

its on the list! 🙂 what do u mean by double dip? two sale prices at once or a monthly and weekly deal?

Eman Naga says:

the double dip pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it kills me i feel like they're stealing and it's gonna spoil it 4 everyone maybe your voice 'll be heard thanks

tnjennjenn707 says:

Thank you for this!

QponFairy says:

i will add it to the info box 🙂

QponFairy says:

oh good one! 🙂

QponFairy says:

same here!! 🙂

barauz11 says:

I have another topic for you.. how far would you go to prove a point to any manager.. regarding coupons.. (ie store policies, limits, etc.)

2028R says:

Can u post the link to see the shelf clearing what would the coupon fairy do? I can't seem to find it

2028R says:

I will also only print the ones I need and my family needs. I don't go extreme.

QponFairy says:

Most of the time there isnt a started limit… and because it is a PDF u can print many.. It just comes back to clearing the shelves for me personally.. I dont need to print toooons of these qpons because I realistically wont be using them all. its just my personal preference 🙂 to each their own! and if even unsure, we can always contact the company to see how many should be printed!

QponFairy says:

🙂 aw thank u! Yeah, I agree.. its too bad.. some just dont know, so I think its good to talk about these things.. but others know and do things on purpose which is something else altogether!

QponFairy says:

Thanks! I have defin made mistakes unknowingly in the past, but I try my very best to do whats right!

hollynr77 says:

Is they're a limit of available prints on PDF coupons? If not I think you should be able to print as many as you may need. Just like the PDF for the Curad. After q they were totally free band aids and peroxide at walmart.

HealthyPrepper says:

I like your couponing style 🙂 You have integrity 🙂

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