ASDA Coupon Offers 16th June 2015

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Join Holly, Callum, Mollie and Bella for Fun, Family a Frugal Vlogs from the UK! Don’t forget to Subscribe to be automatically added into Exclusive Subscriber Competitions!

Please watch: “Teaching a family how to save money in two weeks!”


Poppie Mitchell says:

No offence but u talk really fast. Btw I'm a big fan.

Shari Newman says:

what are whites?

Tamzin Kelsall says:

Hi, does the thing always have to get approval?

princess foxy says:

hi hun i hoping u can help me coupon us i can save up for my wedding next dec

Jodi Saladino says:

Hi Holly, new subscriber thanks to thenotsoordinarywife.  Excited about the goodies giveaway!!

LJH2203 says:

New subscriber 🙂 notaoordinarywife sent me over. By the way, the box of goodies look delicious!

Callum Guilfoyle says:

hi holly so if you want 2 of the same coupon you make a new accounts then print

themeowsoflife says:

Thenotsoordinarywife sent me!!!

Lo2001uk says:

Thenotsoordinarywife sent me, I have subscribed can't wait to save some money 😄

Davina East says:

Love you video's but can you do one of how savvy me website works because I've logged in but I don't really understand how to get coupons for my shopping

Thanks Davina X

Roxy Barker says:

Hiya holly I have been watching your videos for over week noe n just started couponing my. I cant find your links/page on Facebook can u help me plz 🙂


Thank you for sharing that. I have a channel as well would be great if you could subscribe to me like I have to you i'm an English vlogger like you 🙂

TheTXWolfPack says:

I'd love to be entered in the giveaway mentioned by the notsoordinarywife!

Ashley B says:

The Not So ordinary Wife sent me

Camper4life22 says:

the notsoordinarywife sent me

paula lucas says:

Cool video and to compare prices and things.  The not so ordinary wife did a video of your candy box, it was so cool to see the candy and compare flavors. I would love any UK products my 10 year old grandson wanted me to explain flavors of some stuff he has seen in videos and I have no idea so have to rely on wikipedia to explain

Tonya Forgay says:

Hi Holly! I was sent over by NotSoOrdinaryWife. #Subscribed Have an awesome Day 🙂

Amaris Spoons says:

I was sent over by NotSoOrdinaryWife. I think that's really awesome, next time I'm in the UK I'll certainly look for an ASDA store

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