Best Walgreens Coupon Deals week of 4/9

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Amazing Walgreens moneymaker coupon deals this week.
Step-by-step instructions on how to get these deals including filling out a trip planner rolling rewards and keeping out of pocket cost under five bucks. 31 items, $87+ worth without coupons. 5 transactions – final cost over $7 moneymaker!!!

All deal write ups can be found on

The Trip Planner template is here:

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Any questions, just ask 🙂

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Bev S says:

I appreciate what you do so much! It's just so amazing to me that you go into such detail and explain it so well. I appreciate what you do so much! Just asking, but why do you do this? Do you love to do it (teach) or are you getting paid to do it? Thank you for what you do!

Eva Cisneros says:

Was the Almay coupon regional? I did not get in my inserts.

Monica Sherman says:

I'm so excited to take some of these suggestions to Walgreens on my next trip. I do not have all of the coupons that you mentioned, but I do have other RR that can be used on all of these items and receive the RR that they have to offer. Great job Coupon Rebelle. Can I # tag you on my Instagram post? WOW! AMAZING!

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