Gta 5 online- How to use the discount from the lucky wheel

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Grand Theft Auto V!/no-no/tid=CUSA00411_00


@Mateus-_-Melo says:

One thing i learn the hard way, the discount don't work if you are buying vehicles that are also properties, it only works with vehicles that only serve to be vehicles

@Artjoxas says:

Kinda dumb it only tells me itll apply the discount AFTER i hit purchase. Didnt apply to the avenger and ended up wasting money on something i didnt want yet. Worked on the longfin when i got the docktease discount though so thats a win. Thanks for the vid.

@bruhda9070 says:

still dont get it

@djk0n3x0 says:

I got one for warstock, and nothing

@Settiis says:

Had a warstock discount and it didn’t use it for the terrorbyte :/

@samuelvincent8796 says:

Why cant i use it to buy the kosatka when i got the 10% disc in warstock? I still paid 2.2mil when i did the transaction.

@vanillasteez9848 says:

2 years later and you’re still changing lives. Thank you.

@GlitchDaKat says:

Spun the wheel and got the discount, but no message in the bottom left telling me about the discount and nothing in the discount tab, and I have to wait 24 hours to spin the wheel. thanks for literally rockstar.

@Hhhhhhhhhh767 says:

It says I don’t have a discount while I litherally won it a few hours ago

@ushin2856 says:

Tutorial on how you got so much money?

@bryngoldsmith5539 says:

Ugh so annoying I won this yesterday and I can’t even use it?? I didn’t even know how to use it either! 🤦🏽‍♀️ ffs it was on cashe and carry website as well

@evanpahlke8454 says:

Is the discount only for Bikes?

@nonsensicaldexm3387 says:

Yay I got a 10% discount on docktease 🙃

@gofryd says:

Thank you bro

@ilikesyaandiwontsya5152 says:

I got one for warstock and there's also a 40% discount on some of the items there this week and I didn't know how to use it RIP😭

@blinkbruh1513 says:

Bro so i was trying to buy a mark 2, went to the wheel and got extremely lucky with a warstock discount. And when i tried to buy the mark 2, for some reason, IT WOULDN'T LET ME BUY IT. For the entire duration of the coupon, it didn't work, and when I logged back in, surprise surprise… IT LET ME BUY IT. So after the coupon ended, i was able to buy it… This game is literal dog shit in all the ways…

@alpha7318 says:

I have The best glitch

@N3K0553 says:

The discount is soo useless. 10% discount like it would only save u 50K.

@Jeptheplay says:

i thought there was this red bar wich showed the fucking discount shit.. not that you gotta ORDER the vehicle already and pay for the price…

@alexanderpierce7418 says:

Thanks lol
feel bad you got a discount on a fucken bicycle tho 😂

@arctic3219 says:

Bruh it should tell us the regular price and the discount amount not just make us research the original price, plus, I dont even think it discounted anything and it only gives us 50 mins like thats such a waste

@DR3_34D says:

Thx alot bro helped me so much

@yehangyeo6470 says:

Oh I didn't know that you have to have the amount to purchase it at full price first. That's bullshit

@rrrg787 says:

Haha you got a discount for a bike.

@min432g says:

I got a discount for warstock and I can't get an oppressor even though the discount hasent even expired yet

@brandontrowbridge1519 says:

Thanks for this vid man this helped a lot never knew how to use the discount

@brandontrowbridge1519 says:

Hi guys I have a YouTube channel I do gaming stuff from games such as GTA ,Rainbow six siege occasionally , pubg mobile, call of duty mobile, and a few racing game titles I’d love any support I could get and can help anyone grow that helps me grow

@rayrubalcaba4310 says:

Best quality on here is 720, GROW UP BRO

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