These Coupon Stockpiles Are Insane! | Extreme Couponing

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These stockpiles are literally unbelievable! For these people, couponing isn’t just grocery shopping, it’s a way of life. Missy Eby’s collection has a retail value of $2 million. 67-year-old coupon queen, Susan, has a coupon picking robot that helps organise her 50,000 coupons. Plus, teenage boy Brodrick proudly shows off his 244 boxes of feminine products in his massive stockpile worth almost $5000 which he accumulated for under $100.

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Elianna Ramos says:

She does know that the economy would technically die if everyone was a cuponer right?????

Ann's Crafty Littler Things says:

I’m in Uk if I’m lucky I might get one or two coupons a year if I’m lucky. Got my first one today, and funny thing is the advert with this is for always discreet and that’s what the coupons for! Just as well I’m old and need them 😂 😂

Rebecca kent says:

That first woman needs to donate stuff to the homeless or a shelter especially for the cat food and baby food it will all expire

Honey comb says:

I’d wanna live there if there’s ever a zombie apocalypse XD

Michael Chavez says:

Hey atleast she's ready for the apocalypse

Nyla Winston says:

Why does she have so many cat treats and they don’t even own a cat???

Jacob Gonzalez says:

Seems greedy to me there’s no way in hell they can use all that before it expires , I hope they give it to the needy

Midoll 59 says:

I bet half of every ones food is expired

Melanie Garcia says:

What i dont understand is couponers just but stuff they dont need if you have coupons buy things that you actually need

The Hollanesian says:

I wish I had a family member or friend that could teach me how to do this stuff like a pro.

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