Fun Grocery Store Hack That Will Save You Money

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Here is one fun grocery store hack that will save you money! Leave your comments below and thanks for watching.

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deb059 says:

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Jari Carlon says:

Rachel Cruze what is your opinion on Bitcoin kodakcoins and the chip implant is this the mark of the beast , last year a company had the first implant for identification of employees

Alicia Hoffman says:

You're my new favorite blogger. Thanks for all the great tips

Kylie Eats says:

ALSOOOO never shop when you're hungry! everything looks good when you're hungry and tend to overbuy!

Monica Hernandez says:

Mmm honestly I hadn’t thought of it that way 🤔 thank you! I wanna try this!

Klynn17 says:

Being Gluten free isn't just for Fad diets.. some people actually can't eat it 🙁

Ana Denny says:

great video!

Money Groves says:

I always want your water glass. Where did you get it?

pkokki says:

Seasonal Eating Supports Your Body’s Natural Nutritional Needs
In winter we are provided by nature all things citrus, these are particularly high in Vitamin C which is very important for preventing infections such as colds and flu’s. Winter vegetables offer comfort and are perfect for hot meals, healthy stews, soups, casseroles and other warming meals.Summer foods such as stone fruits provide us with extra beta-carotenes and other carotenoids that help protect us against sun damage, they also provide more sweetness for an energetic summer, as well as salad vegetables for those tasty cool summer salads. Look into seasonal eating and learn why it is better for your body.

Michele Lara says:

My dream is to have my own personal garden… i wonder what are the easiet to grow, & what yields the most? Tomatoes, strawberries?

Danica Christin says:

Can't sign up for the newsletter, it's not working for me =( says:

OMG you're hilarious!!

Heather Wanamaker says:

she is so cute

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