How to Create a Free Shipping Code on Shopify – E-commerce Tutorials

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Welcome to “E-commerce Tutorials” by Seller’s Choice!

Today, we’re showing you How to Create a Free Shipping Code on Shopify. Do you know that having to pay extra shipping and handling fees is one of the main reasons why customers will abandon their shopping carts? You can encourage your customers to complete their purchases by offering free shipping code.

#ShopifyTutorial#FreeShipping #Ecommerce


Harvey Singh says:

Hi, your video's are absolutely incrediblely resourcesful and I couldn't have launched my brandsw without you. I am stick with a variation listing problem, the image that shows in the searched results is not the image I would like to display for my variation listing. I would like to change this, I have seen many sellers where their image on searches is the most attractive (version of their variation). Could you help me out and let me know how I can do this?
Thanks please keep up the hard work!

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